The use of Workers-Produced Data in Artificial Intelligence-Based Systems


machine learning
language learning models
artificial intelligence
data privacy
labor law
intellectual property

How to Cite

Valentini, R. S. (2024). The use of Workers-Produced Data in Artificial Intelligence-Based Systems. Brazilian Journal of Law, Technology and Innovation, 2(2), 34–53.


This paper delves into the problem caused by the development of artificial intelligence-based systems trained on data sets built by harnessing data collected from employees' work activities. The convergence of technology and workers-produced data prompts a critical examination of its implications within the legal standards framework regarding safeguarding workers against automation and respecting workers' data privacy. The analysis underscores the need to establish legal safeguards for workers, proposing elements for building a legal framework to ensure that companies cannot exploit the data generated through workers’ labor activities to train AI systems without obtaining proper consent and providing fair compensation for those workers.


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